Friday morning we were out the door by 9 to drive an hour and a half to Austin to stand in line (2.5 hour wait, for reals!) for bbq at Frenklin's. Correction: Andrew waited in line while I drove another 30 minutes north to shop.
I passed by the cutest cupcake truck and I had just enough time to find treasures at Ikea. By the time I got back to Franklin (1:45) our food was ready. Yay!
Then it was time for more shopping. 3 Ross stores, 2 Marshall's, and the outlet mall to pass the time before the concert. Basically Friday was all about buying everything in sight... followed by a bout of buyer's remorse today where I returned approximately half of everything I bought. You can't win 'em all. I'm sure shopping sprees is what whoever said that was referring to.
Then we were off to the Lumineers concert at Circuit of the Americas (a race track in the middle of nowhere outside of Austin). It was a good venue, but $20 for parking seemed a bit much. And we had to wait in line again to get inside, and again to use the potty. Luckily there was kettle corn, so it was all worth it!
We brought a blanket and sat all the way at the front of the lawn portion.
There were 2 opening acts and they were both really good. Jack Wilson first, then The Tumbleweeds. Way better than Sad Baby Wolf who opened for the Shins last month!
The Lumineers came out at 10 and played for an hour and a half. They were awesome! ![](
Then we drove back home to spend Saturday with Maddie Bear, and also returning all the stuff I bought, making brownies and caramel apples, and watching the impressive lightning show. I couldn't get a good photo of the lightning bolts, but you can imagine. These lightning storms are definitely one of the things I'm going to miss the most about Texas.
Tomorrow we drive back to Austin for another concert (Airborne Toxic Event) and a fun day with Jesse. After all this driving, I'm thinking we should have just lived in Austin all along. Sigh.
I am drooling over those caramel apples. That is one of my favorite food groups EVER.